Purpose and Background
Steeples represent an important part of the history and culture of almost all small towns in Maine, and are a visually significant architectural element in these communities. Most were built in the middle of the 19th century and many have been subject to deferred maintenance, resulting in leaks and leaning and worse. Few architectural elements are more exposed to threats than church steeples: wind, moisture, lighting, gravity, age, decay, deferred maintenance, difficulty and expense of repair. The need to stabilize and maintain these steeples is immediate.
The Maine Steeples Fund was established to support local efforts to restore church steeples of historic, cultural, and community significance in small cities and towns in Maine. It offers Assessment Grants and Restoration Grants. Since 2007 we have provided financial assistance for the restoration of over 75 Maine steeples.
The Maine Steeples Fund grant program typically awards four to six Assessment Grants and one to three Restoration Grants annually. The program will match funds raised by the applicant. MSF draws on the technical expertise of two other Maine non-profits: Maine Community Foundation and Maine Preservation. All administration, communication, and grant awards are carried out within the Maine Steeples Fund.
Eligibility for Grants
Find out if you are eligible for an Assessment Grant and/or a Restoration Grant
How to Start the Process
Ready to take the next step? Learn how to start the process with Maine Steeples Fund